Monday, March 1, 2010

You Just Cannot Poke and Pull Me

Have you ever felt in life that people will try to poke and pull you into something that you aren't?
I have been dealing with this all of my life and when I don't move the way that people think that i should be...things go uphill. Whatever. I like me feel good about who I am and who I am becoming and nothing is better than that.

I am moving forward with my writing creations and bringing out new superheros to light. I have started on a new journey about another graphic novel that I am excited to work on while I am finishing up with my first one "Dreams About Derek".

"Dreams About Derek" is picking up and just in mid-production. Even though I feel like I want it to just be launched today, I know that the more time and concentrated time is going to make this epic novel attractive to all eyes. And that is the message that I want to portray.

The website is going to be updated real soon, so please my readers just bare with me while I am making those changes and the ashcan will be available to read online. I am so proud of my of my work and so proud that I actually got it done. Now on this new adventure I know what to expect of myself. There is nothing better than self satisfaction in your life. Nothing like it and I want to keep on going with this momentum and never let it go. To all my dreamers. Keep dreaming and make it into a reality.

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