Friday, June 4, 2010

Been So Long and Weight Loss

Hello ya'll sorry that I have been M.I.A.. I have been traveling, working on Derek and trying to get some kind of funds because I am tired of having set backs because of money. Anywho....

Welp I got on a scale this year and I am amazed about how much I weigh. You know those stupid weight loss infomercials that have the people talking about they don't know how they got so big, welp I am one of them. I sat and cried because I have never been this size and it was because of my depression which seemed slow but when I finally got out of it the weight was a parting gift and a reminder of the bad relationshit. I hate it, all of it is in my mid section thighs and ass. I am not going to tell you how much I weight but this year I have to weigh 50 pounds less than I weight now which will put me under my original weight. now if I can get back to my original weight I'll be just fine. But right now this is not doing it at all. How I noticed things were getting worse for me is that I have back problems. My back hurts all the time from walking and it's not because I am that fat it is because my bones aren't used to this and I am off balance...........ok I am fat. Lol! Luckily I am doing something about it I have been working out for the last month and a half and I tell ya I am losing but going slow. You know what sucks the most is that you can gain weight fast as hell, but losing it takes you months shit years WTF?

Okie Dokie!

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