Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Very Excited About Life

I can't lie and say that this road that I have been on has been an easy ride. I staggered a lot. I think anyone would stagger when you are on to doing something great. I love writing, I always have and I may not be the greatest writer but for damn sure I will try.

I have to say that I need to pat myself on the back every now and then because I am not giving up on myself. What I need to tell myself is "good job, Chrys." This is a habit that I want to get hooked on. There is nothing wrong with congratulating yourself and feeling good about yourself. I think we all have fallen into not giving good positive affirmations to ourselves. But even though this is the first step for me. I am just not going to be satisfied with just this. I AM not finished yet. Actually all this is just inspiring me more to continue with the unique stories that I have for all of you to read. I can say this one thing. Thank God for my imagination. I am happy to share my weirdness with all of you.

And this is what I am feeling like today!

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