Friday, December 3, 2010

The Emotional Road to Success

Last night I was going to post, since I haven't in awhile I had my guns ready to have a enlightened chit chat with you all. It seemed so great and inspiring but when I came to my computer, nothing came out. The things I wrote seemed forced and I didn't want to do that to my readers. Times are hard, they are. Even though I wrote my very first graphic novel it's not like anyone has seen it nor have they talked about it. I just need a new target audience. And I have to admit (which I hate to admit) that my boyfriend was correct about where and who I should target first. Welp that's where I am going and facing my fears and reach that audience.

To be an creative person in New York without any real connections is harder than trying to get a yellow cab to go to Brooklyn and I have given up. *Sigh* I know what I need to do and asking the already famous friends that I have isn't enough, even I can hear some type of jealousy in their tones when I talk to them. How sad. But I digress.......

See ya soon. :)

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