Friday, April 16, 2010

KICK ASS ---- Kicks Ass!

I loved it. Although it was a tad bit violent but if you read the graphic novel you would expected it to be violent. I liked it and it was fun. I wouldn't let kids see it unless they were 16 and older. Because of it's violent content I think younger children wouldn't know how to react.

Nicholas Cage did a wonderful job in the movie and not over playing the part. Like most Nicholas Cage movies you hear the gruff and this time it was without the gruff. The main character KICK-ASS aka Dave Lizewski (Aaron Johnson) just a cutey pie and played the part well. He got into the character and showed us the human side of KICK-ASS now let's make sure that he knows how to fight so he won't get his ASS-KICKED anymore. LOL!

The best of all was HIT GIRL and she was HITTING. That lil girl was nothing to be reckoned with and she had no regards in killing people. Which was weird but that's the movies for you. Pretty much entertaining to the fullest. Discretion is advised in this movie.

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